People living in the United States have the collective power to catapult 884 million people out of extreme poverty over just one Black Friday weekend. How? By meeting one fundamental need--access to clean drinking water. While solving the world's contaminated drinking water crisis will cost an estimated $20billion, consider that Americans typically spend more than $70Billion on Black Friday and another $450Billion+ for Christmas. This season, rather than spending money on "stuff" that will soon be used up, broken, or forgotten, how about joining us in making a world of difference?
This years water well beneficiary is Compassion International Child Development Center TZ0158 in Tanzania, Africa. The deadline for our project is 12/24/2024. Checks must be made payable to Compassion International and mailed to Hydrex Philanthropic PO Box 1643 Sun Valley ID 83353.
Thanks to our corporate sponsors Peter Beaton, Inc ( and 21 Quidnet Rd LLC (, whether you purchase a wristband for $20, a Hydrex watch for $500, or make a tax-deductible donation, 100% of your contributions goes to Compassion International. May God bless you for your consideration and generosity. With thanks from the bottom of our hearts, Peter Beaton Creech, Cole Raymond Millington, & Darcy Creech Marelli.
YOUR Money Has Power. Spend it Making a World of Difference!

THE ISSUES, by Todd C. Scott Lack of access to clean drinking water is a crisis that is holding back human progress, consigning large … Read More

When you purchase a Hydrex watch or wristband, 100% of your money will go directly to Compassion International to fund large scale … Shop Now

There is 1 way to DONATE and receive a tax deductible donation receipt: Write a Check and Mail it In Make your check payable to: … Read More