Unsafe Water Holds Children Back
In the Morogoro region, where Tanzania Assemblies of God (TAG) Maseyu is located, 247 children and their families grapple with water-related diseases, largely due to a severe shortage of safe water. The housing structures in Morogoro are often inadequately planned, resulting in a lack of proper drainage systems. Consequently, the sanitation facilities are subpar, further exacerbating the public health crisis. God’s love for children compels us to make a difference. Partnering with the local church in Tanzania, this crucial water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH) intervention will bring hope, equipping children to escape the hardships of extreme poverty.
The Opportunity to Thrive
To combat these pressing issues, TAG Maseyu intends to drill a borehole at the Compassion International Child Development Center, install a supporting water system and provide hygiene training. This strategic move aims to provide a sustainable source of safe water, which is crucial for improving the health and well-being of children and youth in the area. By eliminating the community’s usage of unsafe water, the prevalence of infectious diseases that currently plague the community should also dramatically decrease. Additionally, the financial burden associated with purchasing water from vendors will become obsolete. This change will ease the economic strain on the center and on families, enhancing the overall quality of life for the participants. With safe water readily available, the center can focus more on delivering educational programs and other critical services that empower children and youth.
Safe Water Intervention Summary
TZ1058 in Maseyu Tanzania needs safe water its participants to improve attendance at the center and local school. Children are often absent due to the water-related diseases that frequently make them ill. These diseases are severe and are also associated with increase child mortality rates. This intervention will also promote good hygiene and sanitation practices among participants and help them stay healthier so that they can lead more productive and fulfilling lives. The proposed project is therefore critical in meeting the intended participants’ physical outcomes and will ultimately improve the overall school performance of the children and youth.
Anticipated Outcomes
By improving access to safe water and enhancing sanitation facilities, the entire Morogoro community stands to benefit. A healthier population contributes to increased productivity, enhanced educational performance and a reduction in health care costs. Furthermore, as children and youth thrive in a better environment, they can become catalysts for change, advocating for improved living conditions and sustainable practices in their communities. The child and youth development program at TAG Maseyu is a beacon of hope in the Morogoro region. By addressing the critical issues of water scarcity and sanitation, the center is not only improving the lives of its participants but also fostering long-term community development. By digging a borehole, TAG Maseyu aims to create a healthier, more resilient future for all children and youth in the region.
Implementation Plan
Carrying out this important intervention will require the following key elements:
• An initial planning meeting will occur to select a project committee and assign responsibilities.
• A contractor will be selected after a bidding process.
• The borehole will be dug and the pump installed. Water storage and distribution will also be built.
• Hygiene and sanitation training will be provided.
Compassion’s Front line Church Partner, in coordination with the national country office, has carefully planned and considered all aspects of budgeting for this critical intervention. Below is a summary of the overall need for this important effort. *This budget covers all program, administration and fundraising costs commensurate with Compassion’s corporate guidelines:
Budget Items | Total Expense | Local Contribution | Amount Requested |
Hydrogeological survey | $458.58 | $0 | $458.58 |
Materials | $3,596.24 | $792.88 | $2,803.36 |
Borehole Drilling | $8,541.04 | $o | $8,541.04 |
Monitoring and Evaluation | $286.61 | $0 | $286.61 |
Total | $12,882.44 | $792.88 | $12,089.56 |
Matthew 10:42 “And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.”
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